The Race
The race is conducted under the International Canoe Federation marathon rules and sanctioning with indemnity insurance from Paddle Queensland. Starts are staggered in groups according to craft. Safety boats accompany the paddlers. At the end of the race paddlers mingle and enjoy delicious food from the BBQ provided by Rotary Club Caloundra Pacific.
- Paddlers must paddle in the start designated on the program for their craft
- The first start (recreation and novice paddlers) is the exception to this rule.
- Paddlers may self-select for start one and may paddle any craft.
The race starts from the pontoon on Lake Dunethin. Paddlers access the pontoon via the jetty which is across the road from the entrance to the Scout compound. Bigger boats such as outrigger canoes, fishing kayaks and dragon boats should launch at the boat ramp which is 300m down the service road. The entrance to the service road is marked by a picnic shelter. There is limited parking along that road for vehicles and trailers. Craft launched at the boat ramp will proceed into the lagoon before their start.
Starts Schedule
Starts will be staggered to allow SUP and slower craft to commence early. Fastest paddlers/ craft will start last.
Cash prizes are usually awarded for first male, female home; followed by first per division.
Race Fees
TBA – Registrations will be via webscorer.
On the day registrations will be $10 more, please register before the day. Registration area will be open 7:00am – 8:00am.
To register on the day you’ll have to fill a registration form, sign a waiver and make a payment before given a boat number and a wristband.
As race day is a very busy day for our volunteers, please come as early as possible.
Follow the instructions of parking officers at all times.
Dunethin Rock Scout Camp
- Parking at the start will be within the Dunethin Rock Scout Compound as long as the weather remains dry leading up to the event. If the area is wet you will be directed to roadside parking .
- Dragon Boat and outrigger paddlers may wish to park along the service road leading to the boat ramp.
- Please follow the instructions of parking attendants.
Fishermans Rd
- The parking area immediately in front of the SCPC will be reserved for Maroochy River Paddle use.
- There are limited spaces.
- Park only in designated parking bays. Do not park on grass. Council officers patrol the area & fines are issued
**Options for those without a driver. Park at the finish and let us know if you need a lift up or let us know after the conclusion of the presentations and we will take you up to Dunethin Rock to collect your vehicle.